Throughout the book Eponine demonstrates that humans have what is necessary to change into better people. That although we may not be perfect, our imperfections are what make us unique. Many times it takes a great impact for one to realize that change is neede; like Eponine’s death did for Marius and what Marius’s love caused on Eponine. “And in the end, its not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.”
Tuesday, 20 April 2010
3rd blog entrie

Victor Hugo’s purpose of writing the book was to show society that people were not perfect. That everyone has their mistakes and that they all commit many. His purpose of placing Eponine in the plot, was to show and to prove to people that they were not born with a personality but instead they created one. In Eponine’s case he demonstrates that people can change their attitude towards life. “You’re here and that’s all I need to know”(Song a Little Fall of Rain). This shows Eponine’s change from the beginning of the book till later on were she gives her life up for Marius. It also shows that everything can change from one day to another without one expecting it. In a subliminal way Hugo says that what ‘goes around comes around. “’Listen, I don’t want to deceive you. I have a letter in my pocket for you. Since yesterday. I was told to put it in the post. I kept it. I didn’t want to reach you. But you would not like it of me perhaps when we meet again so soon. We do meet again, don’t we? Take your letter.” (Hugo 289). This demonstrates Eponines mean side in the story because she was mean and Jealous about Cosettes love with Marius so she hid her letter to him. As a result she died because she gave her life for him, since she wanted him to be happy even if he would not end up with her.

In the book, Eponine is the perfect example of the theme, ruin of woman by starvation. Her attitude changes throughout the happening of a series of events. When she was smaller she thought that she was the best and there was nothing that could stop her. She followed her parent’s footsteps, which is why she was so bratty with Cosette. She treated her inappropriately “Young Eponine pushes Cosette”(song castle on a cloud). When Eponine was with her parents, instead of out on the streets she would treat Cosette badly. Then in her teenage years, she starts to become a good person, after her parents went to jail. She is out on the streets with nothing to eat and no way of surviving. It is at this point in the novel, when Eponine falls in love with Marius. Marius, at this time is in love with Cosette. This event made Eponine realize how much she loved him and she gave her life for him. “’And then, do you know Monsieur Marius, I believe I was a little in love with you.’ She essayed to smile again and expired.” (Hugo, 190).This quote tells us that since she didn’t have Marius’ love she decided to give up and to give her life for him. Eponine thought she had nothing to loose in her life. At this point in the book, Eponine becomes nice and even gives up her life to be able to save the love of her life. Eponine’s characterization from the beginning is mostly influenced by her parent’s actions. They left her in the streets, which is when she falls in love, and decides that if she isn’t happy at least Marius should be.

Eponine has been created to portray starvation of man by poverty in many ways. First of all she starved many of her basic necessities, but she mostly starved friendship. Friends were never abundant in Eponine’s life. Her family wasn’t as any normal middle class family. When Eponine and her sister were small, her parents were trying to become rich off of the wrong things. They were greedy and spent too much time stealing from others, to dedicate enough time on them. Eponine starved for friends due to her childhood life. She just wished to have someone to talk to; “… without a hope, without a friend, without a face to say hello too…” (On My Own). This demonstrates that she is on her own. Eponine has no one there for her, so that she can talk to. She also starved love. She starved for someone that would love her back. She fell in love with Marius, but he was deeply in love with someone else. “Why regret what could not be” (song Heart Full Of love). This quote takes place when Marius is confessing his love to Cosette and Eponine is listening to him.She realizes that she shouldn’t regret what was not meant to be. She knew that their love couldn’t happen because of his feelings toward Cosette. Her failure in social life is due to the bad example she got from her family. He parents weren’t there for her when she most needed them.
Eponine is an important character in the book Les Miserables, by Victor Hugo. She may not be one of the main characters but she plays an important role in the book. She portrays the themes, the ruin of women by starvation, starvation of man by poverty and the dwarfing of childhood by spiritual and physical night in various ways.
Wednesday, 7 April 2010
Love between Cosette and Marius
And tell me that you love me.
Everything's alright,
When you're right here by my side." When you look me in the eyes by the Jonas Brothers
Tuesday, 6 April 2010
Events Involving Javert 3

Events Involving Javert 2